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Pencil Project Samples

Junkers Ju 88 G on patrol
One of the last Luftwaffe Nachjaegers on one of the final incursions over England. 1945

Atlantic patrol
Heinkel 177 A-3's taking off from Merignac towards daylight patrol over the Atlantic

Dussen Jaeger´s final battles
JG7 Me-262´s taking off towards Valhalla

Papagei Staffel Focke Wulfs
A Rotte of Focke Wulfs waiting for the JV44 Stormbirds to land. Fw 190 D-9 and 13.

Back Home
Mexican P-47 D's from the 201st Squadron returning to Mexico City after VJ day.

Stratosphere Arrow
Dornier Do 335 Pfeil during high altitude tests

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